Drop Your Guard

What Is Mental Health?

On the surface this question may appear to be pretty straight forward although growing up in the 80’s and 90’s I can honestly say that I had no idea what Mental Health really was.

After all no one really talked about it much. Whenever I heard the term Mental Health, I immediately equated it to mean Mental Illness. I also thought that Mental Health was something that just select people dealt with. It was pretty mysterious to say the least.

Now 41 years old knowing what I know now, I have learnt that Mental Health is much more than just illnesses. I also know that Mental Health is something everyone has to deal with.

I now like to look at it like this. EVERYONE has Mental Health, just like EVERYONE has Physical Health.

Sometimes you can be in ‘good’ Mental Health, just like sometimes you can be in ‘good’ Physical Health. Other times you can be in ‘poor’ Mental Health, just like other times you can be in ‘poor’ Physical Health.

Sometimes you may have some Anxiety, some Depression, or some serious Mental Illness. Other times you may have a cold, the flu, or some serious Physical Illness.

Really, it’s all just Health and none of it is that big of a deal. The issue(s) may be big but talking about and treating them is not!

For whatever reason though when it comes to our Health, we will typically take the right steps in handling Physical issues at first symptom yet we tend to ignore Mental issues and symptoms all together.

When someone is suffering Physically, they are usually approached with concern, love, and compassion. Others will often offer to help the one suffering or direct them towards help. The one suffering will most likely speak up themselves and go seek help on their own.

When someone is suffering Mentally, it seems the opposite happens. People tend to stay and avoid talking to the one suffering. That or they give horrible advice like ‘Suck it up’, or ‘Don’t worry it will pass.’ The one suffering likely remains silent in fear of embarrassment or simply not knowing what is wrong themselves. In turn they keep everything inside and they do not go seek the help they need or deserve.

This lack of attention to one’s Mental Health can really cause problems overtime and things that may start out minor can then become serious. I know that is what happened to me growing up.

In my youth I was the target of a lot of bullying which I know impacted me in numerous ways. I never spoke up and I kept everything to myself. I grew up thinking that I had to be tough and showing weakness or vulnerability wasn’t really ‘acceptable’.

By my early 20’s I started suffering from depression. I never really knew what was wrong but things just didn’t feel right. I felt alone in my feelings and I felt like I was the only one in the world who felt like this.

At the time I don’t think anyone had a clue as I still kept everything inside. I disguised my sadness with a fake smile and humor. I was probably the happiest/sad guy around. I did have some bright spots in my life though like my girlfriend who is now my wife and a few close friends.

Once I hit my mid 20’s the depression got severe and it turned into a serious illness not knowing it at the time. It got so bad that there was a period of my life where I thought ‘If this is what life is then I don’t want to be around…’

My lack of taking care of my Mental Health was really taking its toll on me. I won’t get too dark but there was the lowest night of my young life where I landed in the hospital because I thought I was going to take my own life. A story that no one knew about until 20 years later.

In hindsight I wish I would have taken care of my Mental Health at an early age. Unfortunately, when I was growing up as I mentioned earlier, I never really knew what Mental Health was. I guess I didn’t know what I didn’t know.

Now that I am more aware and educated, I take care of my Mental Health. I take my meds and I continue to visit a therapist. I am also no longer fearful about talking about my Mental Health with anyone. I still do have my ups and downs but everything is much more manageable.

Now to answer the original question of what is Mental Health, the answer is indeed quite simple. It is a part of your overall Health and should be looked at and taken care of just like the rest of your Health.

We all know when things don’t feel quite ‘right’. Listen to your body and if you have those feelings go talk to a Doctor. If you don’t know where to start just say ‘Doc I don’t feel right…’ and let them do their job and get you on the right path to treatment. If that doctor doesn’t work then go find another.

My #1 thing I would recommend if you struggle with anxiety and/or depression or any other Mental issue is to go find a good therapist. Don’t be afraid to visit a few until you find a good match for you. When you do find that good match be open and honest with yourself first then as hard as it may be allow yourself to become vulnerable and share everything with your therapist.

It may feel weird or even scary at first but when you find the right therapist and begin to unload your inner baggage your life will change for the better. I promise!

To close this out I want to say that when it comes to your Mental Health there is absolutely nothing to be ashamed of, and that you are not alone.